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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Vertica requires a JDBC driver that is not included with Aqua Data Studio. It must be downloaded from vendor. Copy the driver into the Aqua Data Studio/lib/drivers folder.
Vertica 8.0 JDBC drivers are not compatible with older versions of Vertica.
You may locate the latest Vertica JDBC drivers at the following location ...
Vendor: Vertica
Driver URL:
To update the Aqua Data Studio JDBC drivers for Vertica you need to overwrite the Aqua Data Studio vertica.jar file. Below is a listing of the Aqua Data Studio library directory [ADS_INSTALL]\lib\drivers\ ...
C:\Program Files\Aqua Data Studio 13.0 - 64bit\lib\drivers>dir
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 40F4-2392
Directory of C:\Program Files\Aqua Data Studio 13.0 - 64bit\lib\drivers
11/23/2012 08:58 AM <DIR> .
11/23/2012 08:58 AM <DIR> ..
11/22/2012 11:13 AM 35,701 cassandra-clientutil.jar
11/22/2012 11:13 AM 64,465 cassandra-jdbc.jar
11/22/2012 11:13 AM 948,351 cassandra-thrift.jar
11/22/2012 11:13 AM 1,146,367 db2java.jar
11/22/2012 11:13 AM 3,348,681 db2jcc.jar
11/22/2012 11:13 AM 1,015 db2jcc_license_cu.jar
11/22/2012 11:13 AM 2,703,892 derby.jar
11/22/2012 11:13 AM 535,985 derbyclient.jar
11/22/2012 11:13 AM 242,891 derbynet.jar
11/22/2012 11:13 AM 812,386 ifxjdbc.jar
11/22/2012 11:13 AM 1,660,765 jconnect70.jar
11/22/2012 11:13 AM 141,648 jsqlparser-src.zip
11/22/2012 11:13 AM 142,861 jsqlparser.jar
11/22/2012 11:13 AM 4,581,825 jt400.jar
11/22/2012 11:13 AM 350,273 jtds-src.jar
11/22/2012 11:13 AM 329,228 jtds.jar
11/22/2012 11:13 AM 291,946 mongo.jar
11/22/2012 11:13 AM 651,205 mysql-src.jar
11/22/2012 11:13 AM 745,416 mysql.jar
11/22/2012 11:13 AM 445,188 ncluster.jar
11/22/2012 11:13 AM 2,714,189 ojdbc6.jar
11/22/2012 11:13 AM 1,656,248 orai18n.jar
11/22/2012 11:13 AM 346,944 paraccel-jdbc.jar
11/22/2012 11:13 AM 561,969 postgresql.jar
11/22/2012 11:13 AM 3,516,830 sqlite-jdbc.jar
11/22/2012 11:13 AM 286,773 util400.jar
11/26/2012 01:47 PM 527,714 vertica.jar
11/22/2012 11:13 AM 262,740 xdb6.jar
11/22/2012 11:13 AM 839,982 xmlparserv2.jar
29 File(s) 29,365,764 bytes
2 Dir(s) 88,341,790,720 bytes free
C:\Program Files\Aqua Data Studio 13.0 - 64bit\lib\drivers>
Aqua Data Studio.app/Contents/Java/drivers/vertica.jar
To get to the driver location in OSX, select "Finder". Select "Applications". Locate the Aqua Data Studio app and right click on it. Select "Show Package Contents"
The Java class path for the drivers are already configured for ADS in the datastudio.ini for launching ADS with datastudio.exe and in datastudio.bat/.sh and datastudio-bundled.bat/.sh for launching Aqua Data Studio from the command line.
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