Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Aqua Data Studio includes an SQL History, and SQL History Archive which provides a history of all SQL statements and scripts that have been executed within the Query Analyzer, Query Builder, Table Data Editor and SQL Debuggers. Double clicking on an SQL History item writes it into the current tool for re-execution or editing. To view detailed SQL Logs captured from all areas of Aqua Data Studio, see the SQL Log page. Launching the SQL History
The SQL History dialog can be activated by clicking on the SQL History toolbar button. The history window does not need to be closed to continue working on your queries, and may run side-by-side with the main window. SQL History Workspace The SQL History and SQL History Archive display history items in a window with buttons for Select, Select and Close, Delete Selected, Delete All, Archive Selected, Archive All, Save Script, Toggle Preview, Close, Copy Compare, Max History, Max Statements per Entry, Auto Archive checkbox, and the Quickfilter. The Select button writes the currently selected item into the current tool in the Main Application Window. The Select and Close button does the same, but closes the History after writing the item to the Main Application Window. Delete Selected, deletes the current item in the SQL History. Delete All, deletes all of the contents of the SQL History. Archive Selected, places the current item in the SQL History Archive. Archive All, writes all of the displayed contents of the SQL History to the SQL Archive. Save Script, takes the currently selected item and prompts the user to save it with a file name. Close shuts the history. Copy Compare, launches the comparison tool for selected items. The Max History input field, sets the number of items visible before storing to the archive. Max Statements per Entry, limits the number of statements an individual item in the history can contain. Auto Archive, automates the archiving process. The Quickfilter, allows live filtering of the contents of the History grid.
Below these buttons and form fields are tabs for SQL History and SQL Archive. The SQL History tab displays only the number of entries set by the Max History value. Below each tab the history items are displayed in a grid. The SQL Archive tab displays all queries in the Archive (limited by the archive size set in File>Options>General>SQL History). The contents of the History and Archive grid, like all of the other grids displayed in Aqua Data Studio, can be sorted CTRL + Click on multiple column headers or rearranged by dragging the column headers into new positions. The SQL History Archive has an additional 'Information' button, an 'I' within a circle, within its toolbar. Pressing it displays an alert box with the path to the Archive directory, the total number of entries in the archive, the total archive size in Kilobytes, and the date and time of the latest archive entry.
Compare Functionality - The "Copy Compare" button on the toolbar performs a comparison of two selected SQL statements from the History or Archive in a Copy Compare tool window in the Main Application Window. The Copy Compare tool page has more information on how the Copy Compare Tool works.
Search functionality - "Find" functionality for both the Grid list and Preview Panel allows searching for text using menu options "Find", "Find Next" and "Find Previous." A tab in the SQL History window allowing a user to search through the archive by keyword and date, and presenting the search results as a table which is similar to the current SQL History tab. The last selected search parameters are persistent across multiple runs of the application. If a search takes an extended period of time, a progress monitor pops up showing the operation progress.
Using SQL History and SQL Archive for Audit Trail and SQL Query Analysis All SQL Statements executed on Production Servers are stored into user directories. The archives users generate can be examined and analyzed. AUDIT TRAIL These files can be parsed and stored in a database for keeping a full audit trail of who did what on the database at what time. This can be valuable for Sarbanes-Oxley compliance or any other regulatory requirements. SQL QUERY ANALYSIS These files can be parsed and stored in a database then analyzed for performance and tuning. It is easy to find which queries are taking the longest time to run, return the largest number of queries, or being executed repeatedly. |
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