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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Port forwarding via SSH tunneling creates a secure connection between a local computer and a remote computer through which services can be relayed. Port forwarding can also provide a way to connect to a remote host that is not directly reachable from the local host.
To configure port forwarding, you will have to perform the same steps as registering an SSH server (see Secure Shell - SSH Tool), then enter the information in the Port Forwarding section:
In the above example, we have configured port forwarding on the server, which is bounded to port 9998 on the local host where ADS is running. To activate this port forwarding, you will need to right click on this SSH Connection that you have registered, and select the Open option. This will open an SSH connection to the server on port 22, and configure port forwarding to the server on port 3306, which is bounded to port 9998 on the local host where ADS is running. This is equivalent to executing the following command on the local host:
ssh -L 9998:
With the above port forwarding open, any connection to localhost:9998 will be forwarded to the server on port 3306, via the server on port 22. In order for this port forwarding to work and make sense, please note the following:
In the following example, we'll use our previously configured SSH connection with port forwarding to connect securely from ADS to MySQL database running on the server on port 3306. Also in this example, the server is firewall protected to keep out external attackers so that you can’t directly access the database server. It is configured to be accessible only from the jump box.
When we register the MySQL database server, we enter the connection information as localhost, port 9998. With this database connection setup and the port forwarding we have in the earlier example, the communication between ADS and MySQL will happen via the secure SSH tunnel. Note that in order for this to work, the SSH connection with port forwarding has to be opened and remain open for the duration of this database session.
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