Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
If you have any issues connecting to your Oracle instance, make sure that you can ping your server with ’tnsping’.
Make sure you have the correct JDBC driver if you are connecting through OCI libraries. (Drivers)
Tab Coloring
To Identify Server Environments, whether it is a Production, Development or Test, use Tab Coloring feature:
Using the Keyboard combination "CTRL + SHIFT + P", you may quickly access Server Properties and edit Tab Coloring options.
Change Server Password
You can change the password of the server connection while you are connected as a Normal user. Changing password will only work under the following conditions:
1) The OCI client library version should match the server version exactly. If the server is v11.0.2.3 then the OCI driver must be for v11.0.2.3. The user should copy the matched, version-specific jdbc drivers .jar file(s) from oracle client installation to ADS_HOME/drivers/lib (for more on how to do this, see our Drivers page).
2) The environment variable TNS_ADMIN should be configured to the directory containing tnsnames.ora file.
Browse to select a network alias from the tnsnames.ora file. TNS - Network Alias uses the Environment Variable TNS_ADMIN is used and if it is not found, the Environment Variable ORACLE_HOME is used to find the tnsnames.ora file.
Aqua Data Studio also allows you to connect to Oracle RAC and Oracle Connection Manager by entering into the Descriptor field.
(description=(address_list=(address=(protocol=tcp)(port=1610)(host=webHost)) (address=(protocol=tcp)(port=1521)(host=oraHost))) (connect_data=(INSTANCE_NAME=orcl))(source_route=yes))
Edit the Server Properties, to use FILTER options for a Server in Aqua Data Studio:
Using the drop-down at the top of the Filter Tab, quickly change your Schema or Folder View.
Use the * character to specify wildcards. For example, "TEST*" will match "TEST", "TEST1", "TEST_SCHEMA", etc.
Filter Examples:
If your intention is to show only the tables that start with XXPKD, then you'll need to change your main filter to "Exclude All", and secondary filter to "+XXPKD*". Note the "+" in front of the XXPKD pattern. Also, note that the filter pattern is case sensitive.
The filter shown below is set to exclude all databases except those that start with "aq". This is similar to the above example where all schemas, except the XXPKD schema, are excluded. Then, there is an "Object Folder" filter on the Tables folder, which excludes everything except those that start with "forum".
If you have a large number of schemas on an Oracle Database the connection process can take a long time. If you want to improve the connection performance or simply limit the number of schemas displayed in the Schema Tree or in the Query Analyzer schema drop-down you can follow the steps below:
In order to determine which Schemas should be displayed in the Schema Tree, select "Filter Schemas: Exclude All" and enter only the list of schemas you want to see under "Include Filter Schemas".
On the other hand, if you want to exclude schemas from the Schema Tree, select "Filter Schemas: Include All" and enter the list of schemas under "Exclude Filter Schemas". This will prevent them from loading during connection process.
To further improve the connection performance you need to enable the following options in the Advanced Tab by checking the boxes next to the option:
Checking the box next to "Enable DB Filters for Query Window" option enables the schema filter configuration and applies it to the Query Analyzer window schema drop-down.
Checking the box next to "Enable DB Filters for the Schema Queries" option enables the schema filter configuration and applies it to the WHERE clause of the query that extracts the list of schemas from the database.
Enabling both options significantly improves the Schema Tree and Query Analyzer connection performance.
Edit the Server Properties to use Advanced Properties in Aqua Data Studio:
With options in Advanced properties of a Server, you can:
Using the drop-down at the bottom of the Advanced Tab, quickly change your Object Display in the Server Browser.
Edit the Drivers Properties to use Driver Parameters in Aqua Data Studio:
With options in Driver properties of a Server, you can edit/view the:
Edit the Permissions in Server Properties in Aqua Data Studio:
With options in Permissions Tab of a Server, you can:
Edit Scripts in Server Properties in Aqua Data Studio:
With scripts in the Script Tab of a Server, you can:
Edit Shell Scripts in Server Properties in Aqua Data Studio:
With scripts in the FluidShell Tab of a Server, you can:
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