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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
A Sheet is where you create Views by arranging data with drag and drop by placing Dimensions and Measures into decks. Each sheet, whether it's a Dashboard or Worksheet, is displayed as a tab at the bottom of Visual Analytics.
When you launch Visual Analytics for the first time, it automatically generates a sheet labeled "Worksheet 1” and displays the sheet name as the chart title in the chart view. This sheet name can be edited, formatted, and shown or hidden from the chart view. For more information, see Chart Title. If you want to create additional sheets, perform one of the following steps.
You can rename a worksheet by double-clicking the tab text. You can also left-click the tab text > from the context menu > click Rename. When the text is highlighted in blue, you can type in a new name. See Also, Chart Title.
If you rename the Worksheet tab, the chart title is automatically updated if the chart title has not been explicitly modified.
To show and hide title, perform the following actions.
The color of a Sheet Tab can be changed by clicking on the Sheet's tab menu triangle and selecting [Tab Color].
Once the Tab Color Dialog appears a color can be selected. This color is used to color the background of the tab.
To duplicate an existing Worksheet or Dashboard, left click its tab and select [Duplicate Worksheet]. This is useful for making a copy of your work so you can make modifications on existing views without altering the original content.
It is a good idea to duplicate a sheet that contains a view you have already built before you begin to make changes, so you have a copy of your previous work. You can also use Undo and Redo if you need to undo/redo an action you performed.
Duplicate As Pivot Grid in Visual Analytics creates a table (pivot grid) view of the original chart in a new worksheet.
To create a pivot grid view, Visual Analytics moves the dimensions or measures from the Chart Properties Deck to the Rows or Columns Deck. You can duplicate a chart as a pivot grid by right-clicking the Worksheet Tab, or by clicking the Worksheet menu > Duplicate As Pivot Grid.
To retain values in a pivot grid view, Visual Analytics might change the definition of the table calculation while duplicating a chart.
Charts with disaggregate measures cannot be duplicated as pivot grid.
If you need to remove all of the Fields in Columns, Rows, Filters and Properties decks in the current sheet all at once you can:
Clearing a worksheet removes everything on the current worksheet at once. Therefore, clear the worksheet only when you are sure of the clear action. You can clear individual decks one at a time by using their menu triangles. To save your previous work, you can duplicate a sheet before deleting the worksheet.
To delete a Worksheet or Dashboard left click on its tab at the bottom of the Visual Analytics and choose [Delete].
All references to the worksheet must be removed before deleting it is permitted. Worksheet Tabs that are in use within a Dashboard will have their [Delete] option grayed out until all references to it are removed.
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