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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Aqua Data Studio lets you create or build test data for your application or database. You can now create random tables without any data, random tables with random data, or populate random data into existing tables. This feature facilitates various tests without compromising sensitive information.
The Random Table and Data Generator feature can be accessed in several ways:
Launching the Random Table and Data Generator from Tools Menu
In the main menu bar, select Tools > Random Table and Data Generator
This will first show the database server selection window.
Select a database connection, then click OK. A new Random Table and Data Generator tab will be displayed with the selected database connection.
Launching the Random Table and Data Generator from a Database Connection
In the schema tree, right-click on a connection object and select Tools > Random Table and Data Generator.
A new Random Table and Data Generator tab will be displayed with the selected database connection.
Launching the Random Table and Data Generator from Table Objects
In the schema tree, select one or more table objects and right-click on a selected table object and select Tools > Random Table and Data Generator.
A new Random Table and Data Generator tab will be displayed with the selected database connection. The list of Existing Tables will be pre-populated with the selected tables.
Random Table and Data Generator
Check the Generate Random Table checkbox to generate random tables. You can also decide whether or not to generate random data for the newly generated tables by checking or unchecking the Generate Data for New Tables checkbox.
Generate Random Data in Existing Tables
You can also generate random data into existing tables. You can opt to do only this or in addition to generating the random tables. Click the Add/Remove Tables button to edit the list of existing tables.
When generating random data in existing tables it is possible to get an 'Ignore table <table name>' line in the status section, this happens because the table contains unsupported or null-knowable datatypes.
For Hive databases, the MapReduce engine might be required to do table inserts when generating data.
Data Options
There is an option to allow adding Timestamps to the data and table generation. Here you can also specify the minimum and maximum number of rows. The limit for maximum rows is 10,00,000
Finally, you can decide to Generate it to a database or to a file. The first selection generates the tables and data inside the database/schema specified in the Database Connection section.
If you choose to Generate it to a file, a file selection dialog box will be shown in which you need to select an empty folder where the generated files will be stored. You can also create a new folder in this dialog box. A DDL file will be generated for the random table creation, and a separate file will be generated for the population of each table with random data.
Clicking the Close button will close the Random Table and Data Generator UI without any changes applied to your database.
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