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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Visual Analytics Workbooks use a snapshot from a specific time of the data and query when a connection to a Data Source is made. If you launched Visual Analytics from a Grid Results in Aqua Data Studio's Query Analyzer, your fields and data reflect what existed at the moment the query finished executing. When the data in a Data Source has been modified, or its Dimensions and Measures no longer exist, Visual Analytics won't incorporate those changes in the view until the data is refreshed. If you want to automatically refresh your data at a set interval, you can use [Data > Auto Refresh...].
Only the data, and not the query, get refreshed upon a Refresh. The query inside Visual Analytics does not get updated from the Query Analyzer when you click Refresh inside Visual Analytics. If you must alter your query, use [Edit Query...] from the Data Source right click menu.
To refresh your Workbook's data from a Data Source
1. Right click on the Data Source in the Data Pane.
2. Select [Refresh] in the Menu.
When your Refresh completes you will be notified if any fields have been removed by a change in either the font color of the field in the Data Pane, or a change in the field's background color if it is in use in a deck. If required, remove any no longer existent fields from the decks in your Worksheet to repopulate the view and continue your work.
See Error Conditions and How to Resolve Them for for more about what happens when Dimensions or Measures you were using have been dropped from your Data Source since your last refresh.
Auto Refresh
If you want to have your workbook refresh its data automatically every N number of seconds, minutes or hours, you can use the [Data > Auto Refresh...] menu.
This menu will launch the [Auto Refresh] dialog, allowing you to select your data source, input your Refresh Frequency and view when the next scheduled refresh will occur if you've already set an interval. When a refresh is triggered through Auto Refresh, it will update any associated extracts for the selected data source as well.
Auto Refresh will not take place if the [Refresh Frequency] check box at the top left of the dialog is unchecked. It must be checked to run.
Be aware that if you give a VIZX or VIZW with [Data > Auto Refresh...] enabled to someone, the refresh interval begins counting down as soon as they open the file. An error dialog will pop up the first time the scheduled refresh frequency is encountered if the connection associated with its extract cannot be found to perform the scheduled refresh.
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