Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
To create a Calculated Field
The created Calculated Field is displayed in the Dimensions or the Measures pane depending upon which Data Type is produced by your calculation (dates or strings are Dimensions, numbers are Measures). All the created Calculated Fields display the function icon (ƒx) with their names that make them recognizable.
All Visual Analytics workbooks automatically create the Number of Records Calculated Field after connecting to the Data Source.
Right-click a Calculated Field and then click Edit to make changes in the Calculated Field. Also, you can change the name of the Calculated Field by selecting Rename.
The editor preserves user-specified indents and spacing between expressions.
You can modify the expression by using the options in the toolbar.
The following table describes the options in the toolbar along with the keyboard shortcuts.
Toolbar Option | Keyboard Shortcuts | Description |
CTRL+X (Windows/Linux)
Command+X (Mac)
Remove the selected text from the editor. |
CTRL+C (Windows/Linux)
Command+C (Mac)
Copy the selected text to a different editor. |
CTRL+V (Windows/Linux)
Command+P (Mac)
Paste the content copied from a different source into the current editor. |
CTRL+Z (Windows/Linux)
Command+Z (Mac)
Undo the last action. |
CTRL+SHIFT+Z (Windows/Linux)
Command+Shift+Z (Mac)
Redo the last action. |
CTRL+F (Windows/Linux)
Command+F (Mac)
Show the Find toolbar. |
CTRL+H (Windows/Linux)
Command+Shift+H (Mac)
Show the Find and Replace toolbar. |
CTRL+L (Windows/Linux)
Command+L (Mac)
Change the current word or selected text to lower case. |
CTRL+U (Windows/Linux)
Command+U (Mac)
Change the current word or selected text to upper case. |
The Find toolbar appears right below the editor’s toolbar when you click on the editor’s toolbar or use CTRL+F keystroke.
Go to Line navigates you to a specific line in the editor based on the user-defined number. You can view the current line and column number in the Status Bar. The line and column number are separated by a colon. To navigate to a specific line, click CTRL+G (Command key on Mac) and open the Go To Line dialog. Type the new line and column number separated by a colon, and then click OK.
The editor also displays the encoding and line separator information in the Status Bar. These settings are not configurable. Depending on the OS of your machine, your editor will show the line separator in use; CRLF for Windows and LF for UNIX and OS(X). UTF-8 is the default encoding.
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