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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Within the Chart Properties is a [Color] button. This button is useful for displaying the values of a Measure by category and assigning colors to those categories.
As an example, the chart below shows Card Type in Columns and Profit in Rows. By dragging Product Category to Color, we now see the Profit columns in the chart divided by Product Category. Each Product Category has its own color as indicated in the Legend which displays underneath the Chart Properties Deck.
The chart below shows Ship Method in Columns with Freight and Profit in Rows. By dragging Territory to Color the Freight and Profit charts display the bars segmented by the Territory.
It is possible to change the color of items in a Chart by clicking the [Color] button.
1. Drag Card Type to Columns.
2. Drag Profit to Rows.
3. Click the [Color] button in the Chart Properties deck.
4. Once the Style Picker is clicked, a dialog appears that allows choosing a color via swatch, HSV, HSL, RGB or CMYK values. Choose a new color and Click [OK].
5. The color in the chart is replaced with your selection.
When Dimensions are dropped onto Color in the Chart Properties, it is possible to select from a variety of Color Themes. Color Themes are preconfigured selections of colors for representing the components of Dimensions.
To choose a Color Theme:
1. Drag a Dimension onto [Color] in Chart Properties
2. Click the [Color] button
3. A dialog appears. The left side lists all of the Dimension components and their colors.
4. Choose a different Color Theme from the list in the dropdown at the top right of the dialog.
5. Click [Assign Palette] to see how the Dimension components will be assigned their colors on the left side of the dialog.
You must click [Assign Palette] before [Apply] to see the new theme selection appear in the Chart View.
6. Click [Apply] to view your Color Theme in the view, and click [OK] to save.
Using the technique of setting the color for a specific measure, you can change the color of individual measures in a Combination Chart via the [Chart Properties > All] accordion so that one of the colors stands out.
In the [Edit Colors] dialog, click a measure name on the left to select it, then browse through the various themes and click on the color you want to use for that measure. Click [Apply] to see your color in the chart and [OK] to save it.
Max(ABS(-1000), ABS(19454))
. If "Use Full Color Range" is checked, then the gradient scale is generated differently. Visual Analytics assigns the highest red intensity to -1000 and the highest green intensity to 19454.By default, when you drag a measure to color, ADS displays it horizontally. Now, you can choose Vertical orientation. Click on the Measure Deck and choose Show Vertical to change it.
You can add effects to your plotted data by applying borders, markers, and halos.
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