Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
The Favorites Pane at the bottom of the Diagram Pane is useful for storing shortcuts to your most frequently used Tables or Views.
To create a Favorite:
1. Left click the triangle in an existing Diagram Entity and select [Add to Favorites]
2. The name of the entity will appear in the Favorites Pane found at the bottom left corner of the Query Builder.
To use a Favorite, drag it from the Favorites Pane into the Diagram Pane just as you would any other field from within the Data Pane. The only valid drop location for a Favorite is the Diagram Pane. If you set a [Key Mapping] for your Favorite (see below), pressing those keys will immediately add an entity for it to the Diagram Pane.
If you right click an item in the Favorites Pane you can set an option to [Clear Tables Before Adding] so that the Diagram Pane is cleared of all other entities on drag and drop of this Favorite.
Warning: Enabling [Clear Tables Before Adding] also clears all Decks when you drop off the Favorite in the Diagram Pane.
To remove a Favorite, right click it and select [Remove].
To view the properties of a Favorite, right click it and select [Properties].
Within a [Favorite Properties] Dialog you can set a name, view the table, schema and database the favorite refers to, and view/create a Key Mapping that lets you quickly add the Favorite to the Diagram Pane.
To create a Key Mapping for your Favorite, click in the Key Mapping field of the [Favorite Properties] Dialog and press the keys you wish to use to add this item to the Diagram Pane. The keys you pressed will appear with + symbols between them. If you want to remove a Key Mapping for a Favorite, click the [Clear] button. Click [Save] to save the Favorite Properties.
Favorites can be saved within a Query Builder file, or persisted at the application level which will be available in all Query Builder windows. This setting can be configured within [File > Options > Query Builder > Favorite Persistence]
To quickly access Query Builder Options, click the Options icon button in the Toolbar.
Favorites become gray and a red bar appears to their left when there is no connected server in the Query Builder.
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