Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Working in complex Enterprise environments requires users to open multiple application frames and numerous Query and SSH windows to do their work. Once a user has configured his workspace, productivity reaches optimal levels. It is inefficient and frustrating for users to manually reconfigure their workspace each time the application is restarted or in the case of the application unexpectedly closing. It gets even more difficult to create a standard workspace for a user who has to work from office and home or who uses multiple computers. For these reasons, we have included the functionality to save and reload the user's workspace.
Saving Workspace |
Saving Workspace Options |
To use the new options go to File->Options->General->Workspace-> in Aqua Data Studio v10.0:
Behavior of window close button
Choose your preference - Either Exit Application, Close Window, Minimize Windows or Prompt User.
Restore windows and tabs
When this option is selected, Aqua Data Studio restores window and tab arrangement on the next start
Confirm exit of application
When this option is selected, Aqua Data Studio displays a confirmation before the application exits.
Multiple Frame Window
Aqua Data Studio allows multiple Query Analyzer frame windows to be opened in the same instance of an application. A new default key binding to "New Frame Window" is added in the latest version. With Ctrl-Alt-N new frame windows can be easily opened.
You can open and work on multiple Query Windows, Compression Tools all at the same time. You can also configure the way the applications Minimizes or Exits.
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