Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Command Type | Description |
Shell Terminal | FluidShell provides an interactive shell to execute local Operating System commands such as cd, ls, pwd, cp, mv, mkdir, touch, ren, syncdir, rm and rmdir. |
Database Access | FluidShell can establish a connection to a Database Server using the connect command. The reconnect command forces a reconnection to the database. You can close the server connection using the disconnect command. |
Data Manipulation | FluidShell can also execute SQL scripts, shell scripts and AquaScripts (executed in the AquaScript Editor in Data Studio and scheduled to run in the Application Server - Aqua Data Server.) |
Filesystem & Archive | zip, tar and gzip are the supported FluidShell commands to compress files. Other archive commands supported are unzip and gunzip to decompress. |
Network Commands | FluidShell features commands to open an SSH terminal connection, and scp copies files between local host and remote host. sendmail command sends a message to one or more recipients. |
Utilities | Commands to open files, compare files line by line, open a new fluidshell tab and execute OS commands, deploy an AquaProject to Aqua Data Server. |
Command | Description |
Shell Terminal |
alias | define or print aliases |
ask | define a variable interactively |
clear | clear the terminal screen |
cli | configure the command line interface |
date | print the system date and time |
declare | define or print variables |
echo | display a line of text |
export | export variables to the environment of subsequently executed commands |
help | an interface to the on-line reference manuals |
history | display the command history list |
sleep | delay for a specified amount of time |
source | execute commands or SQL statements from a file |
tee | read from standard input and write to standard output and file |
unalias | remove aliases |
unset | remove variables |
Database Access |
autocommit | set or print the current connection's autocommit mode |
change | change or print current connection's database or schema |
commit | make database changes permanent |
connect | establish a database connection |
describe | provide information about database objects |
disconnect | close the current database connection |
go | execute database statements |
list | display databases, schemas, tables or views defined in a database server |
reconnect | reestablish a database connection |
rollback | undo database changes |
session | manage server connections |
sqlbuffer | manage shell's SQL buffer |
sqlexport | export data from database tables into files |
sqlhistory | display the SQL statement history table |
sqlimport | import data from a file into a database table |
Data Manipulation |
csv2excel | CSV to Excel format converter |
csv2html | CSV to HTML format converter |
csv2json | CSV to JSON format converter |
csv2xml | CSV to XML format converter |
excel2csv | Excel to CSV format converter |
grep | print lines matching a pattern |
Filesystem & Archive |
cat | concatenate files and print on the standard output |
cd | change the current working directory |
cp | copy files and directories |
gunzip | uncompress files |
gzip | compress files |
ls | list directory contents |
mkdir | make directories |
more | file perusal filter for viewing |
mv | move (rename) files |
pwd | print the current working directory |
ren | rename a file or a directory |
rm | remove files or directories |
rmdir | remove empty directories |
syncdir | synchronize directories |
tail | output the last part of files |
tar | a simple version of the tar archiving utility |
unzip | extract compressed files in a ZIP archive |
zip | package and compress files into a ZIP archive |
touch | change file timestamps |
Network Commands |
scp | secure copy |
ssh | run the SSH client in a new tab |
sendmail | send a message to one or more recipients |
Utilities |
compare | compare files line by line |
exec | execute an OS command |
fluidshell | open a new fluidshell tab |
open | open files |
projectdeploy | deploy an AquaProject to Aqua Data Server |
run | execute an OS command asynchronously |
securestore | create, edit or delete a secure storage entry |
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